Investiture Ceremony 2023
NPS International, Chennai held its annual Investiture Ceremony on the 23rd of June. The ceremony aimed to officially appoint and invest the new batch of student leaders and office bearers who will take on various responsibilities and roles for the upcoming academic year. The event was attended by esteemed guests, faculty members, and students, creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and pride.
The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the lamp followed by the Invocation song by students of grades 7 to 9.
Following the opening address, the investiture of student leaders took place. The investiture ceremony marks the beginning of the academic year. It is a solemn occasion where the young students are all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted upon them by the school.
With bated breath and high excitement, the students of the senior school waited eagerly for the posts of various office bearers to be announced.
Each year, the school ‘Prefectorial Body’ is formed, comprising the School Prefect and Vice-Prefect, House and Sports Captains and Vice-Captains, and the Presidents and Secretaries of various clubs.
New student leaders are formally invested with their honours and ranks within the student body. It is a testament to the trust which the school places on these young shoulders, believing them capable not only of carrying out their duties within their respective roles, but also of upholding the ideals and vision of the school itself.
The chief guest for the ceremony was chief guest Commander Paramdeep Singh Soodan, Senior Education Officer, INS Adyar. Commander Paramdeep Singh Soodan was commissioned in the Indian Navy in Education branch on 09 Feb 2004.
Abhimanyu Pant of Grade 12 was declared School Prefect following the vote by the student body and teaching staff. Abhimanyu is a sincere and hardworking student with excellent debate skills and a keen interest in both scholastic and co-scholastic pursuits. He will be assisted by the School Vice-Prefect, Vibha Menon Kodakkat of Grade 11. Sports Captain C.Gurucharan was elected by the students and staff. He will be assisted by K.J Diya as Vice-Captain. House Captains were elected from Grade 12 and their Vice-Captains from Grade 11. The younger students of grades 9 and 10 were appointed as editors and sub-editors of the school magazine.
We had a visual treat by the drummers. Students of grade 6-9 entertained us with Western Beats, Energetic konnakol and ended with Folk beats. To create the music they used Barrels, Water can, Cardboard box and included Djembe, Cajon, Drum kit and Mridangam to make it more entertaining.
We also had a splendid performance by the Martial Arts students Zoya Rahaman of Grade 9B, Shivani – 9A & SR Haritha of 10 C. They presented the Kobudo the weaponry Martial art form of Japan using Sai.
Once the various posts were announced, the Chief Guest addressed the gathering. The guest speaker shared his experiences, motivated the student leaders, and emphasized the importance of leadership skills in various aspects of life. His inspiring words provided valuable insights and guidance to the young leaders.
Our Principal, Ms. Sudha Balan, made her remarks to the new leaders of the school, reminding them that leadership is not simply a position or a title, but rather all about action and example. She wished the students the best and expressed her confidence in them.
The Investiture Ceremony provided an ideal platform for recognizing student leadership and fostering a sense of responsibility among the newly appointed office bearers. The event concluded on a positive note from the emcees, with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and determination among the student leaders to make a positive impact in their school community. The ceremony not only celebrated their achievements but also marked the beginning of a new chapter in their leadership journey.