Van Mahotsav 2023
“Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves.”
- Stephen Moss
Keeping this enlightening thought in mind, NPS international observed the tree planting festival ‘Van Mahotsav’ for about two weeks. From 26th June to July 7th the event was organized to inculcate social accountability in students to protect the forests and practice eco-friendly ways to conserve the environment.
The school buzzed with various activities that were meticulously planned for students across all classes. While grades 1 to 3 had indoor plant growing activity, grade 4 to 8 had seed ball making activity as part of the celebrations. Students also watched videos that showcased the journey of Van Mahotsav at NPS with wave of nostalgia. Nature walk was enjoyed with exploring the jamun tree, neem tree and bauhinia plant. Some eager students wanted to capture the delicate leaves of the trees through shading while others wanted to sketch the trees in all its majesty. Making seedballs that could be used to give life to a tree brought a sense of community and happiness in the young minds. Their pride was evident in their gleaming eyes and mud-stained hands.
This year the celebrations brought a sense of fervour amongst the students to connect with nature and relish its true beauty. The students too had a sense of accomplishment in contributing to a greener future.