Assembly Grade 9B 2017
Class 9 B started the month of August on happy note with the theme “Happiness” for their assembly. The program started with a song invoking the blessings of the Almighty followed by a beautiful speech elucidating the fact that happiness happens all the time and everywhere. A melodious piece was played by one of the students to showcase the intimate relation between music and happiness. A western and a classical dance performance by the girls brought out the joy and happiness in the audience. This was followed by a humorous skit on “The Types of Sneezes” the enacting of the different types of sneezes sent the audience into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Students shared their knowledge of music through a quiz. Another speech was delivered ranking the countries based on happiness and the audience were made to understand that our Country can be ranked higher in terms of happiness if we are more generous. The assembly concluded with a note of appreciation by Ms Meenakshi.